The cathedral in York, York Minster, is so big there was no way we could get it all in the picture. So, we present this series of pictures of the inside and out -- just imagine!

One side....

then the other...

Just the top...this is actually the first time the cathedral has been seen free of builders for years.

The lovely inside, looking from the back of the church towards the front.

One of the original stained glass windows. This is one of the few churches that didn't lose its glass during the war.

Another window.

Looking up at the ceiling.

This is Clifford's Tower, part of the original York Castle. It was used as a prison and a mint over the years, before becoming a tourist attraction.

The inside of Clifford's Tower.

The view from the top of the tower.

A lone tree that caught our attention.

What remains of St. Mary's cathedral and monastary -- a church that once took up all of the parkland you see in front of the walls. Now they hold plays here, using the wall as a backdrop, in the summer.

The York Minster as seen from a walk around the city walls.

A picturesque, Shakespeare-like, restaurant.

On the river, geese with goslings.

The famous King's Arms pub and inn. When the floods hit York late last year, the water came half way up the walls of this building!!

The train station in York. When it opened in the 1860's it was the world's largest.